Lockdown in Photos | Lifestyle Photography

Well that’s not quite how I’d planned my exit from Auckland! Life doesn’t always go to plan, right? I was all prepared to leave Auckland two weeks ago. I have sold my home, was about to finish up at my fulltime job, then road trip my way to my new home in Queenstown - until New Zealand was suddenly thrust into a Level 4 Lockdown when we were hit with a Covid 19 Delta outbreak.

I still had one week of work left so I couldn’t return my company car before lockdown. Instead I decided I might as well get comfortable and ride this out at my temporary home high in the hills of West Auckland, surrounded by native bush, bird song, great views and great company. Thankfully staying with family has been a lovely segue into leaving the big smoke. It has given us time to hang out, reminisce, chat about my new adventures, but I really, really want to start heading south as soon as I can!

Everything was ticking along nicely, I had started catching up with friends and family over coffee or wine but now it looks like I won’t get to see everyone I had planned to.  Right now, our number of Covid cases is dropping each day but Auckland has another week of Level 4. As of tomorrow the rest of the country will be ‘free’! Well Level 2 free at least so it means they can get back to work!

New Zealand has been pretty lucky to be honest, and personally I feel that we’re all doing what is needed. It just breaks my heart seeing the effect it has on small businesses, and all businesses for that matter. The run-on effect is just huge and I have so many friends and family who have small businesses so I cross my fingers in the hope they will all get through this. The longer I’m in Auckland, the longer it is until I can start booking photo sessions in the beautiful South Island.

How are you coping through this Kiwi lockdown? What are you doing to fill in time? I would love to know. Because I’m between homes, I have limited things to do. Frustrating much?? You bet it is! But being a photographer, I decided to document my unexpected lockdown life. Heck, what else is one to do? There’s only so much Netflix you can watch in a day, and it’s not always fun walking in the pouring rain. I’m staying with family, in a warm and welcoming home, with a dog, a puppy, two cats, and the Waitakere Ranges on our door step, so these photos are my ‘Lockdown in Photos 2021.’

If a lifestyle photo session is what you are after once we are in Level 1 get in touch here. I’d love to hear from you! Stay safe everyone x